Colorful flat-bottomed boats clustered together on a small canal. A man with a pole stands on the back of one of the boats.
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The Cost of a Fun Afternoon in Mexico City’s Xochimilco

A ride on a trajinera through the floating gardens of Xochimilco is on everyone’s “Top Ten Things to do in Mexico City” List. But what they don’t tell you is how far Xochimilco is from downtown and how much the experience costs , especially for the solo traveler. So, you must be wondering…how much does…

A large site with ancient pyramid-like structures built with volcanic stone. A church is in the background.
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Aztec Ruins in the Heart of Mexico City: Zona Arqueológica Tlatelolco (Tlatelolco Archaeological Site)

If you are looking to explore some Aztec ruins in the heart of Mexico City, look no further than the Tlatelolco archaeological site. While not in the same league as the massive and impressive Teotihuacan pyramids, the Tlatelolco Archaeological Site offers a glimpse into Mexico City’s Aztec past. And the best part is, you will…